Amazing Testimony of God’s healing

Just wanna share a bit of story of what happened after our prayer.actually yesterday we thought that lurin will be out of her mind completely she will go crazy because she was talking things out of this world since last friday.but last night about 8pm our time.lurin was asking all our sibling on their area to gather together and it is about more than 30 individuals.and suddenly lurin started preaching the word of God from.her heart non stop from 8pm till 1am and according to my elder sister the message of lurin was about reconciliation.and after lurin preaching she was calling each name one by one and telling what was on their heart and what they are hidden doing.and every one was shock because every word of lurin for every person and every details is correct.and it was found out that most of the siblings are holding grudges and hatred disappointment towards each other.and reconciliation comes asking forgiveness from one another.and after that lurin said her mind becomes personally i cannot explain my fellings because when i visited her this afternoon she told me straight that i need to let go the hatred in my heart towards my brother.i was shock why she knows about it where i didnt tell anyone about it.maybe i cannot write everything here but praise be to God his word is real he will turn our sorrows into joy and he will turn bad situation into good.all things work together for good to those who love him.tonight when im .about to go home i really feel the presence of God and the harmony of love towards each other.once again all glory Belongs to him and thanks for the prayers and God bless us all
