Roy & Mark to Visit Philippines

Roy and Mark will be leaving for the Philippines on 24 January to visit our sponsored families, friends and the community to get a first-hand look at the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan.  This will be a very important trip as we gauge the impact of the Typhoon, gather information and  talk to the people and hopefully  bring some comfort.

This will also help us make decisions on what is salvageable, what can be reused and what is the priority to rebuild first. We value your prayers as this will be a crucial trip but also not an easy trip. We have been greatly impressed by our leaders in Ormoc and Maasin who have shown great courage and leadership.

We are also extremely grateful to all our sponsors and supporters for your incredible generosity. We have been very touched by the generosity of individuals and companies who have made sacrifices at Christmas to give to the hurting in the Philippines.